Why buying property is the best form of investment?

Real estate is one of the best ways to make money and build wealth. There are a lot of options to make a profit. It can generate an ongoing income source and can rise in value with time and can prove to be a good investment in the cash value of the home or land that you buy. 

Rental Income

Rental Income-renovate the place, promote it, screen a proper tenant, and keep it up over the years. 1) Renting smaller units- probably a      duplex or a triplex. 2)  Renting to businesses

Ancillary Real Estate Investment Income

Ancillary real estate investment income includes things like vending machines in office buildings or laundry facilities in low-rent apartments. In effect, they serve as mini-businesses within a bigger real estate investment, letting you make money from a semi-captive collection of customers.

Selling high & Buying Low

One can always make extra money by selling high and by buying low. Stage the property to attract buyers over market value and your awesome negotiation skills can turn an instant profit if you buy under market value.

Tax benefit on interests

You can often deduce the mortgage interest from the rental income, and create a tax-free profit. This varies from country to country.

Tax benefits on improvements

You can deduce the cost of the improvements from the rental income, while the added value of the property is all yours to keep.