Based on all the Panchang and astrological predictions considered, there are no auspicious dates in the month of January, as this month is a Paush month. You can directly consult us for better developer advice or an astro expert for specific dates.
Griha Pravesh Muhurat in January 2025
Some of days that are auspicious in February are 6th February, Thursday from 10:53 PM to 07:06 AM, February 7 in the Rohini Nakshatra and in Dashmi Tithi, and 7th February from 07:06 AM to 07:05 AM, February 8 and in Rohini, Mrigashira Nakshatra both for tithi Ekadashi and Dashmi.
March has some auspicious dates for Griha Pravesh and some of the shubh Nakashtras and Tithis. The days of the 1st March, 5th March, 6th March, 14th March and 15th March are some of the auspicious dates.
The month of May has some of the most auspicious dates in the whole year 2025, and has around 10 days that you can have the shubh muhurat for Griha Pravesh in 2025 and have some right nakshatras and tithis for May.
The month of June based on the predictions has three dates, the 4th June, 6th June and 20th June in 2025. The Thritya, Ekadashi and Panchami Tithi are auspicious for the month of June.
Unfortunately, upon consultations and checking the Nakshatras and Tithis, there are no auspicious dates in the Month of July, Aug and Oct in 2025 for Griha Pravesh.
There are 8 days for Griha Pravesh in the month of November in 2025. The dates that are auspicious are 3rd November, 6th November, 7th November, 8th November, 14th November, 15th November, November 24th and 29th November.
December being the last month of the year and going with the Panchang, there are very limited dates in December 2025. There are three dates for the Griha Pravesh Muharat – 1st December, 5th December and 6th December.